Did you know?

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is redesigning its client correspondence, including the goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax credit (GST/HSTC) notice for individuals, following an extensive evaluation completed in the fall of 2014. The CRA made changes to make the information easier to read and understand, focusing on how the notices are structured, designed, formatted, and written.

What does this mean for you?

Starting in July 2016, the CRA will begin sending a new, simple, and easy-to-read GST/HSTC notice. The re-designed notice will have the most important information on the first page, presented in a clear format.

How has the GST/HSTC notice been improved?

The simplified GST/HSTC notice is part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to make the CRA more client-focused and more helpful by improving the ways we communicate with Canadians.

For a more convenient way to access your CRA correspondence, such as your benefit notice and notice of assessment, go to My Account and register for online mail.

Source: CRA